ADHD Coaches Organization Terms of Use
The ADHD Coaches Organization ("ACO") website and ACO communications provide resources for ADHD coaches and related professionals, and the ACO Directory of ADHD Coaches ('Directory") serves as a resource for finding professional coaches for individuals and families living with ADHD. By using the ACO website, subscribing to or using our communications, or in using the Directory, you acknowledge, agree to abide by the following:
- All information was believed to be correct at the time of inclusion, however the information is subject to change, based on new information, research and developments.
- The ACO Directory of ADHD Coaches is not a comprehensive listing of these services. The coaches on this list are ACO Members who have asked to be listed here and who have expressed an interest in assisting individuals and families living with ADHD.
- The ACO has not investigated the coaches on the Directory, and the ACO does not have the ability to evaluate their competence in providing services to families and individuals living with ADHD. This Directory is only a source listing of member coaches who have indicated they provide services for families and individuals living with ADHD, and the ACO recommends that you evaluate the credentials for each coach you are interested in. You should personally question and investigate each coach to assess the their fit and suitability for your particular needs.
- The ACO does not recommend, endorse, or represent services or other offerings provided by member coaches in the Directory. Placement of a Directory listing or advertisement on the ACO website or in ACO communications does not represent an endorsement by the ACO, nor does it represent any testimony by the ACO as to the quality of the products/services listed or advertised and the validity of the claims made in the listing/advertisement. The ACO does not have the ability to offer licensing or accreditation to anyone.
- The ACO expects its members to act in alignment with our Standards and Expectations, including our Values, Vision, and Mission, represent themselves truthfully, behave ethically, and operate within the limits of their individual expertise. However, these members are solely responsible for their actions, and the ACO is not responsible for any actions of its members.
- The ACO reserves the right to cancel any activity or offering, or make necessary changes in dates, times, speakers, content, and other details without notice, and to accept, reject, or remove listings or advertising on the ACO website or in our communications at any time at our own discretion.. ACO and the commercial supporters of these activities are not responsible for any member's, speaker’s, or registrant’s statements, materials, acts, or omissions.
- The ACO does not endorse, recommend, or make representations with respect to any research, services, medication, treatments, or products on the website or in other communications. The information provided is “as is” and the ACO specifically disclaims any other warranties, including but not limited to implied or express warranties of merchantability or fitness for any particular usage, application or purpose. The material provided is designed for educational and informational purposes only.
- The information on the ACO website is provided with the understanding that the organization is not engaged in rendering medical or legal advice or recommendation. You should not rely on any information provided by the ACO to replace consultations with qualified health care or legal professionals to meet your individual needs.
- The ACO shall retain all copyright and other proprietary notices contained herein. Materials copyrighted by the ACO are for noncommercial personal and educational use only. Permission to otherwise reprint or electronically reproduce any document in part or in its entirety is expressly prohibited unless prior written consent is obtained from the ACO.
- Information copyrighted or owned by any individual or entity other than ACO is for personal use only. Permission to otherwise reprint or electronically reproduce any document in part or in its entirety is expressly prohibited, unless prior written consent is obtained from the owner.
- Should any viewer of ACO published content or document respond with information including feedback data, such as questions, comments, suggestions, or similar responses regarding any such content, such information shall be deemed to be non-confidential and ACO shall have no obligation of any kind with respect to such information and shall be free to reproduce, use, disclose, or distribute the information to others without limitation. ACO shall be free to use any ideas, concepts, know-how or techniques contained in such information for any purpose whatsoever including, but not limited to, incorporating such information in ACO published or sanctioned publications or communications. The viewer warrants that he or she has all intellectual property to the information being shared or uploaded and will indemnify ACO for all actions relating to the uploaded information.
- Some opinions and recommendations contained in this website or in ACO communications may not necessarily be those of the ACO or endorsed by ACO.
- The ACO may provide links on the website to other websites that are not under the control of the ACO. In general, any website that has an address (or URL) that does not contain “” or "" is such a website. These links are provided for convenience of reference only and are not intended as an endorsement by the ACO of the organization or individual operating the website or a warranty of any type regarding the website or the information on the website. The ACO cannot and does not warrant against human and machine errors, omissions, delays, interruptions or losses, including loss of data. The ACO cannot and does not guarantee or warrant that files available for downloading from this or another website will be free of infection by viruses, worms, Trojan horses, other harmful elements or other code that manifest contaminating or destructive properties.
- A portion of the ACO website is for “members only.” In order to access this portion of the website, individuals must use a login name and password. The “members only” portion of the website is intended as a service for the members of the ACO, and seeks to provide a forum for discussion of member issues, as well as information of particular relevance to ACO members. In providing this service, the ACO does not discriminate on the basis of race, sex, national origin, religion, disability, age or sexual orientation.
- The ACO reserves the right to revoke membership at any time at its discretion.
- Any fees paid to the ACO for any purpose are not refundable unless otherwise stated in writing at the time of payment.
- The ACO reserves the right to accept, reject, or remove listings or advertising on the ACO website or in our communications at any time at our own discretion.
- These Terms of Use may be changed by the ACO at any time. In order to ensure that users of this website are aware of any changes to the disclaimer, ACO advises all users to regularly read the Terms of Use to determine whether changes have been made to its terms. Use of the website after a change has been in this disclaimer constitutes acceptance of the changed Terms of Use.
Updated April 3, 2020