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ADHD Foundations Class and Support Group
Friday, May 19, 2023, 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM PDT
Category: Public Support Groups & Workshops

ADHD Foundations Class and Support Group

When: Fridays 12noon-1:30pm Pacific, March 10 - June 2 (13 weeks)

Designed for adults who are new (or “new again”) to ADHD. If you…

• Think you might have ADHD…

• Were recently diagnosed with ADHD…

• Were diagnosed some years ago and need to refresh your knowledge and strategies…

Then this group is for you! Each week we’ll cover a specific topic and discuss practical strategies that can help you (and your brain) achieve your goals. Here's the list of planned weekly topics:

- Week 1: What is ADHD?
- Week 2: Understanding your ADHD Brain
- Week 3 ADHD Medication
- Week 4: Self Compassion & ADHD
- Week 5: ADHD & Rejection Sensitivity
- Week 6: Self Care & ADHD
- Week 7: Intro to Self Regulation & Executive Skills
- Week 8: Executive Skills: Organization
- Week 9: Executive Skills: Planning & Prioritization
- Week 10 : Executive Skills: Time Awareness
- Week 11: Executive Skills: Task Activation
- Week 12: Executive Skills: Sustain Attention
- Week 13: Wrap up: Bringing it all together

In each class we'll cover content on each topic and then facilitate a group discussion before breaking into smaller groups to discuss and develop your own goals for the week ahead.

Learn more and sign up at

Contact: David Rickabaugh